In My Thoughts

04 Aberration Lena Erenfeicht.png

Aberration | Lena Ireneicht |

“In My Thoughts” by Nina Pollak


years without seeing your face

yet you still seem to occupy space

in my mind, in my thoughts, in my dreams

a two dimensional woman in photos that surround the walls of my home

yet where is this woman?

she hasn’t seen how I’ve grown

she has missed birthdays and graduations and games and shows

yet she is someone who never seems to go

from my mind, my thoughts, my dreams

she lives with so much pain inside of me

a ghost of a person I struggle to keep alive

the more space you take up, the more I seem to hide

from those who actually care, who show it every single day

and yet there is no replacing a mother in any possible way


Don’t we all wear masks?

a sheet of glass that reflects whatever anyone else wants us to be

a painted on smile for others to see

long before the pandemic started

long before restrictions that said we had to be

don't we all wear masks?

afraid to let anyone below the surface level of the cloth

what if someone sees

vulnerability and pain and rawness

something other than strength

what happens then? 

we always covered up parts of ourselves

afraid to reveal what’s behind 

masks conceal, they hide 

but what happens when people notice where the makeup ends and the face begins

what happens when they see that my mask is the fakest part of me

when my ears lose grip of the ties

what happens when my mask falls, 

becomes transparent

Is that where true courage lies?

Red and Blue

you’re in all my pieces

you stay in my mind 

there’s no way to shut you out

at least not one I can find

but would that be easier 

would I have less doubt?

you never seem to follow a steady route 

leaving me to wonder when you are going to message, or call, or write 

you misjudge each turn

expecting me to anticipate the color of the light

but what about my tears 

the overflowing pool since you disappeared 

leaving me without a guide

to teach or give advice  

and yet I still seem to pay the price

for your decisions, your actions, your mistakes

you said all you wanted was me

but how can you have failed at the one thing you wanted to be


When did it become cool to be aloof 

when did we stop caring

or at least stop showing that we do

when did indifference become power

and short replies become strength 

when did big hearts become vulnerable 

never allowed to have full reign

tamed by the mind

that reminds us to be cool, to be aloof, to be quiet 

to not let ourselves be fooled

into love, into pain, into loss

but then i wonder

what is scarier, 

pain from losing

or never loving at all?

don’t we have to let ourselves feel

in order to gain anything somewhat real


You no longer seem familiar to me

a stranger who I feel should be the roots of my tree 

but were you ever really there

to rely on, to trust, to ask for help

Mommy, how do I grow up to be someone I barely know?

why do I have to watch every show 

with girls with mommies they get to see, with girls with mommies they want to be

you left me with no shoes to fill, to grow into, to explore

you left me to figure this out for myself and cry alone on my floor

I don’t get to see you 

yet you’re still at my core

all I wanted was for you to be so much more

The Crash

The light is yellow

about to turn red

you decided to turn

we could have been dead

flashing sirens

they called the police

lucky for you 

a drug test wasn’t released

there you were sitting on the curb

everyone else pretty disturbed

because next to you was a small child

providing you comfort, providing you care

she had to call for help

with you curled up in a ball

she had to talk to the officers

explain to them everything you couldn’t recall

she was the adult

at the mere age of 10

she was lifting you up

around all those other men 

all they could do was stare

confused, unaware

that this was her life with you as her mom

that this was the tune to each one of your songs

you should have been telling her that it would be okay

no not you

I always cleaned up your mess at the end of the day



