Plastic Stars

Untitled | Benjamin Pallansch | Photograph

Untitled | Benjamin Pallansch | Photograph

Plastic Stars by Cate Schultz

Plastic stars clung to the ceiling of my room

As my sister whispered to leave on the light

I was never the one scared of the dark

But maybe mine was just different than hers

My dark was the cold snow that hit her

As all the dreams of a podium and warmth were stolen

The crimson melted into the white

And a scream echoed

It took months to come back

For the light to start to creep through 

The cracks

even the tiniest bit

She didn’t hit the replay button

It was pressed for her

Starting from zero years

Sixteen lost in an instant 

Pieces mended

Our souls were illuminated once again

“a miracle” they cried

But their sobs still filled the hollows

The stars began to fall

They lost their ability to stick

To hold onto to the faith they once had

Because if the stars actually cared 

It would have never



Me and Dadi


Rooftop Excerpt